Monday, January 9, 2012

My 30 Day Blog Challenge

I have been wanting to do a blog challenge for awhile. I think about it, I might even do some light googling then I don't do anything about it. I considered making mine own, sorta. I have this book, the big book of IF, and I thought I would just flip to a page and write a post on the question. So I pulled it out of its spot on the bookshelf and flipped it open. Its not as cool as I remember. So I googled again, different wording hoping to find something. I picked this lovely one. Not because its the best or the most fun but because it is a photo not a list. I cant sit and nitpick at it. It is set in FONT. I mean, I'm sure its change-able but not by me. And I tend to be a nitpicker. I was trying to handpick all my questions. That really takes away from the reason to do this. I want to expand myself a little. I could write a really boring list of questions for myself that would basically be what I write about anyway. So I will be working off of this list, that I honestly haven't looked at too closely yet. Wish me luck! And feel free to join me! 


Coco said...

Can I do it too???

MarieBug924 said...

starting tomorrow I will join you