Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mood music

Its funny how a song can change so much depending on your mood. As I sit here listening to my iPod on full volume to avoid hearing my usually sweet 6 year old screaming at me from his bedroom about how horrible I am and how his life is so wildly unfair I think my iPod is feeding off of my emotions.

Don't look at me, its on shuffle. I didn't pick the songs, they were sent to me. And its true. As much as I hate to admit it, sometimes I do hate everyone. And I am still learning how to bend. None of this comes with instructions. Sometimes its so ridiculously hard that I don't know how any of us will make it out alive. Or maybe its just music. Who knows.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

ER visit

After a week of awful stomach pains I decided to take Zach to the ER at Primary Childrens. We did have a visit to the pediatrician but it felt rushed and I didn't agree with the diagnose. I did do what the pediatrician said but it wasn't helping. And I couldn't take anymore of Zachs howling. It was heartbreaking.

So here we are at Primary's. His entry examination was basically the same as his entire exam in the office. Then we sat down with the doctor and answered a bunch of questions. After that he have a urine sample, he had never peed in a cup before so that was kinda weird for him. Next was an IV because he was super dehydrated. They drew blood when they did the IV, same poke, I've never seen that before. Zach didn't like the IV, to put it mildly. He sobbed and cried. It was pretty awful. The tech took him to pick a prize and some stickers after, it still sucked but not as bad after that.

He got xrays done and had all of his fluids checked. The final answer was we aren't completely sure but it looks like he had a virus then got super dehydrated. After the IV he looked a lot better and felt a lot better.
Now we are headed home and he is feeling better for now. I'm really glad that I took him in. I can't imagine what would have happened if I had kept him on a laxative until the end of the week. Hopefully he is taken care of but we don't know for sure. Only time will tell but I have high hopes.

Dont mind the crummy pictures, I only had my phone and apparently the photos aren't awesome from it.

All checked in
So scared for the IV
First xray ever
Watching TV while waiting out the IV

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cookie Exchange

La Dayna, Lindsay and Angi

Angi and Krystal 



1 of each
 Today I went to a Christmas cookie exchange. I love cookie exchanges. I think its so much fun. I didn't really expect to go to one this year but I was super excited when La Dayna sent me an invite.

I have been looking forward to it for ages it seems like. As soon as I got the invite I knew I was going to make molasses cookies. I love them but only seem to make them at Christmas time. I have had all of the stuff bought for about a week and a half. I was all ready to go.

Then last night, Zach had another horrible tummyache and he and I got up about 2 am. Neither of us ever went back to sleep. About 9 I decided to go make my cookies. I had all of the stuff on the table and ready to go. Then I looked at my recipe and it said 'chill overnight'. UGH. I have made these cookies so many times and totally forgot. So I had to come up with something else quick. I went through all my recipes and decided on lemon. Lemon isn't so much a Christmas cookie so I thought I would be safe switching to it last minute.

When I got there I discovered that I was not the only one with lemon. Krystal, my sister-in-law made the EXACT same recipe as me. Except she frosted hers and I powder sugar-ed mine. Lindsay also brought lemon! She did pumpkin and lemon cookies. I felt bad that I messed that up. But I think it turned out ok. As long as you like lemon, which I do!
I tried them all! Not a bad one in the group! 

I had a ton of fun at the party. There was great food and sangria. Plus, I love all of the woman that were there. It was a great afternoon.

Thanks for hosting La Dayna!
Gathering cookies 


My Christmas sweater!

Festival of Trees

In Grammas wheelchair

Hair goes POOF!
Chelsea was performing at the Festival of Trees this year. I love the Festival of Trees. I think it is beautiful. I was really excited she would be dancing there.

'Hey mom, can we borrow your credit card for a minute??'

Barbie tree

Superman tree
 We went early to see the trees before her performance. I vowed not to read any of the stories on of the trees because the make me bawl. So my mom filled me in on a few and made me bawl anyway.
 Dance tree

Gramma, can I sit on your lap??

Cutesy jammie girl

Chelsea's class did really great. It was adorable. I didn't get a video because it was pretty packed so I could barely see anyway. But she performs the same dance again this week and I will video that. When she was done we looked at a couple more trees but she was tired and hungry and wanted to go home. So I took my adorable dancer and my sweet basketball star, bought some pizza and took them home to watch Spy Kids 3. It was a fantastic day.
Me and my favorite girl

With a couple of girls from her class

10 seconds of stage fright. 

With Miss Shawna


Some effect thing

Purple hair

Basketball Saturday

Had to have curlers for her recital later

Working on dribbling (not his strong area)

He is a pretty great shooter

I just love this pic!

Watching iCarly

Found an iCarly buddy

Zach started basketball again. He really likes basketball but hes only 6 and not so great at it.

He was pretty excited because he knew some of the kids on his team already. One of the boys was on his team last year and one of the girls was on his t-ball team a couple of years ago and also goes to his school.

He did a great job for his first day. He has a bit of a social problem though. He would rather be silly with his new pals then learn from his coach. He tends to forget to pay attention. We will have to work on that. And dribbling, we definitely need to work on dribbling.