Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cookie Exchange

La Dayna, Lindsay and Angi

Angi and Krystal 



1 of each
 Today I went to a Christmas cookie exchange. I love cookie exchanges. I think its so much fun. I didn't really expect to go to one this year but I was super excited when La Dayna sent me an invite.

I have been looking forward to it for ages it seems like. As soon as I got the invite I knew I was going to make molasses cookies. I love them but only seem to make them at Christmas time. I have had all of the stuff bought for about a week and a half. I was all ready to go.

Then last night, Zach had another horrible tummyache and he and I got up about 2 am. Neither of us ever went back to sleep. About 9 I decided to go make my cookies. I had all of the stuff on the table and ready to go. Then I looked at my recipe and it said 'chill overnight'. UGH. I have made these cookies so many times and totally forgot. So I had to come up with something else quick. I went through all my recipes and decided on lemon. Lemon isn't so much a Christmas cookie so I thought I would be safe switching to it last minute.

When I got there I discovered that I was not the only one with lemon. Krystal, my sister-in-law made the EXACT same recipe as me. Except she frosted hers and I powder sugar-ed mine. Lindsay also brought lemon! She did pumpkin and lemon cookies. I felt bad that I messed that up. But I think it turned out ok. As long as you like lemon, which I do!
I tried them all! Not a bad one in the group! 

I had a ton of fun at the party. There was great food and sangria. Plus, I love all of the woman that were there. It was a great afternoon.

Thanks for hosting La Dayna!
Gathering cookies 


My Christmas sweater!

1 comment:

Angi said...

Was a fun day. I love lemon! But I do want some of your molasses cookies too!